Sunday, February 20, 2011

Upcoming Hindi class events

Friday February 25 - Ramayan Reading Practice - 8-10 pm

Saturday February 26 - NO CLASS

Saturday March 5 - Class starts earlier -from 2:30 - 3:45pm

Saturday March 12 - Field Trip postponed ( date to be reshecduled)

Hindi class - Saturday February 19

1. Write 10 words (Dictation)

2. Listened to song "Sukh ke Sab Saathi" with copy of Hindi lyrics

3. Translated song

4. Reviewed Imperative form of the verb .

5. Played Hindi word game - as many words as possible in 30 seconds

6.Home work : Rewrite sentences from Lessons 1 & 2 using tum and aap forms of Imperative.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hindi class - Saturday February 12.

This was a long class (कक्षा बहुत लंबा था , हमने बहुत काम किया!)

1.We listened to the song "Sukh ke sab ki saathi) and wrote the words we heard from the chorus.

2.We went over the Home work ( identify the verbs in the passage ) and re -read  and translated the passage again.

3.We reviewed the imperative forms of the verb
बोलना  - Infinitive :to speak
तू बोल   -with तू -remove ना and use the Verb Root
तुम बोलो - with तुम add ओ to the verb root
आप बोलिए - with आप add इए or इये to the Verb root

4. The students in the beginners class read a lesson each from the reading book -Lessons 1-5)
 (Homework re- read the lesson you read in class and read at least the next one).

The students in the advanced class read from the handout - the Shravan Kumar story -page 1-
we also went over the vocabulary and translated the first page.
(Homework - Practice reading the second page and write the vocabulary words for the first page)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hindi Class Feb 5, 2011 - Homework


आज  कक्षा बहुत अच्छी थी, (Today Class was very nice).

Today's homework is from the worksheet regarding the play (परोसी   - neighbor introduction).

1) look at the sheet, try to translate the play (this is not mandatory but if you can will be nice).

2) Highlight all the words that are verbs to be on the work sheet (in the play structure of परोसी - neighbor introduction ) i.e. in the third scentence we would highlight हूँ.

Please see the song that was played during class today, click to play. Try to catch words you know:

Here is the Hindi Lyrics to that song (No cheating listen first :] ..)..

हिंदी   ल्य्रिक्स  :
सुख के सब साथी दुःख में न  कोइ 
मेरे राम  मेरे   राम 
तेरा   नाम   एक   साचा   दूजा   न  कोइ

जीवन   आनी  जानी   छाया 
झूठी   माया   झूठी   काया 
फिर   काहे   को   सारी   उमरिया  
पापकी   गठरी   बोई
 सुख के सब साथी

न कुछ तेरा न कुछ मेरा
ये जग जोगी वाला फेरा 
राजा हो या रंक सभी का
अंत एक स होई
सुख के सब साथी

बाहर की तू माती फांके
मन के भीतर क्यूँ न झांके
उजले तन पर मान किया
और मन की मैल न धोई
सुख के सब साथी
Next class will be Feb 12th, 3pm,
अगले कक्षा Feb 12th, तीन  बजे होगी

फिर   मिलेंगे  ,

Hindi Class 101